Mapping / Tour Planning


Have a particular ski objective in mind?
Want to put together some easy tours?
Build a tour database for you to reference and build upon year after year?
Online or In-Person [2 Hours]

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Proper planning is crucial to a successful and enjoyable backcountry experience. I’ve spent hundreds of hours on CalTopo, FatMaps, and other mapping resources trying to plan backcountry adventures. It’s a necessary skill but one that doesn’t come natural to most. That’s where I come in!

Let me show you my process to planning out my tours. I’ll go over different mapping resources, such as CalTopo, and show you how to use all the features that they have to offer. A proper tour plan can really help prevent you from wandering about, in the backcountry, and maximize your fun.

I’m certainly happy to meet in person, if we are in the same location! Local coffee shops work great for these. I do travel quite a bit so reach out to see my availability for an in-person course.

Below is just some of the topics we’ll cover:

  • Reading Topographical Maps
  • Utilizing CalTopo for Tour Planning
    • Slope Angle Shading
    • Time Planning
    • Planning the Ascent and Descent
  • Exploring other Mapping Resources
    • GAIA
    • onX Backcountry
    • Avenza


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